The velobruche
Or how to turn a cycle route into a cycling experience!
A major project
In addition to the pleasure and use that tourists and local residents can derive from it, a cycle route is a real lever for promoting and communicating tourism in a region.

Until now, the valley cycle route has lacked a name and an effective visual communication tool.
Now it has! Since the beginning of the year, the Bruche Valley cycle route has been known as "la vélobruche" and has its own logo, a registered trademark that gives it greater visibility to the outside world and expresses its identity.
As a result, it is now part of the circle of cycle routes and cycle lanes in Alsace.
Now it's time to move up a gear: the attractiveness of a cycle route depends on the development of new infrastructure...
This is the aim of the mobility plan that has been launched to enhance this cycle route by improving the welcome and experience for tourists and day-trippers. In other words, the aim is to create the conditions that will make travelling visitors want to stop and take the time to discover the sites and the valley's gastronomic and natural heritage. The aim is to make the Bruche cycle route a source of economic spin-offs for the region. The mobility plan targets local and long-distance slow tourism enthusiasts and users in the spirit of a "car-free valley".

The development of the plan has several components:
- A steering committee made up of users, elected representatives, socio-professionals and technicians specialising in soft modes of transport is currently working in partnership with the Communauté de communes, and drawing on the expertise of the ADT and the CEA, to develop specific signposting at cultural and tourist points of interest, leisure facilities and additional facilities along the cycle route: signposting for service areas, amenities, water points, long and short-term parking, recharging points, self-repair workshops, etc. .. These initial improvements to the Bruche cycle route are scheduled for 2023-2024, while the CEA will complete the last, as yet unfinished section of the exclusive right-of-way cycle path between Saint Blaise la Roche and Saulxures.
- The second stage will be to develop a "door-to-door" train/cycle route, i.e. to design a safe and fluid "seamless" customer journey to and from the stations, combining different soft modes of travel for visitors: walking, cycling and facilitating local active mobility: commuting between home and work. This route will offer appropriate facilities and services in the vicinity of stations, such as secure cycle parking and recharging points.

In the future, the mobility plan will see the creation of links to local cycle routes already in use or to be developed towards the neighbouring valleys, turnkey cycling holiday offers...
The Tourist Office is already hard at work designing a car-free leisure and holi
Photo credits: © B. Salmanski ADT
day offer!