📢 New! “Hel’eau la Bruche”, a geolocated network of water points to fill your water bottle!

Mountain bike circuit C02: From Schirmeck to Struthof

  • VTT dans la Vallée de la Bruche
Duration 1h30 min Length 14 Km Vertical rise 499 m Difficulty Intermediate Departing from Schirmeck


Starting from the Schirmeck train station, this circuit will take you through Barembach and let you cycle over the hills of this village to the former concentration camp of Natzweiler. The route offers you a variety of terrains, from steep climbs to fast descents and technical sections.

Further information

Latitude 48.47987
Longitude 7.21624
Elevation 499 m
Duration 1h30 min
Lenght 14 Km
Level of difficulty Intermediate
Car park Schirmeck station parking lot
Departure point Schirmeck station parking lot
Nearest station Schirmeck-La Broque


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