📢 New! “Hel’eau la Bruche”, a geolocated network of water points to fill your water bottle!

Permanent introductory orienteering course: Princess Emma sector

  • OTVB
Duration 1h30 min Length 2 Km Difficulty Easy Departing from Belmont


A natural area set up by the Conseil Départemental in collaboration with the Foyer Oberlin de La Broque and mapped by the Comité Départemental de Course d'Orientation, for a fun introduction to orienteering sports for all ages. The starting point is the Champ du Feu forecourt of the Bas-Rhin Departmental Council. How does it work? The game consists of finding the wooden markers symbolised between sunset and sunrise on the site. 2 possible routes: green circuit 2.1km or blue circuit 3km? CLOSED DURING THE WINTER PERIOD. View map

Further information

Latitude 48.407631752193
Longitude 7.2569682944775
Duration 1h30 min
Lenght 2 Km
Level of difficulty Easy
Car park Parking Champ du feu - La Serva
Departure point Chalet du Champ du feu - La Serva
Nearest station Fouday

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