Treasure hunt: The adventures of Rose and Louis in Waldersbach

  • OTVB
Duration 2h Length 3 Km Difficulty Easy Departing from Waldersbach

While visiting the Oberlin Museum Rose and Louis come across the diary of Louise Loux , a local girl from the Ban de la Roche and a contemporary of of Pastor Oberlin. By following a scavenger hunt they learn a lot about her life and story.Set out on a rally packed with games.

Further information

Latitude 48.41476976608
Longitude 7.2149572797623
Duration 2h
Lenght 3 Km
Level of difficulty Easy
Car park Town hall's parking
Departure point Museum Jean-Frédéric Oberlin 25 Montée Oberlin 67130 WALDERSBACH
Nearest station Rothau


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