📢 New! “Hel’eau la Bruche”, a geolocated network of water points to fill your water bottle!

Pégase drive rando

  • © Joan Lavigne pegasedrive.com


"A day or more, in a group or with the family, bring driving a 4x4 together with a tourist outing: Pegase Drive plans your adventure for you in line with your requirements. Whether you're a fan of bivouacs, villages, star-rated hotels, picnics, farm guesthouses or fine dining, you'll see a never-before-seen side to Alsace, its architectural heritage, landscapes, flora and fauna and have a unique experience. Enhance your experience with physical and sporting activities (RZR buggy, quad, archery, balltrap, segway, orientation course etc.) or spa and beauty treatments to meet all your needs: TAILOR-MADE to be UNFORGETTABLE!" View map

Further information

Latitude 48.482946098978
Longitude 7.2222024089539

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